Al's Blog

"Up At Arapahoe" Complete

I am certain this will be the last summer ops post of the year. The A-Basin Trail Crew has completed the "Up At Arapahoe" trail. Hikers and mountain bikers can now ride a purpose built single track all the way to the Summit. And they completed it just in time. Our plan is to close all the summer trails this Monday. With the forecasted weather this weekend, it might be a little snowy up there. If you can sneak your way up here the next couple of days, I encourage to get in one more ride at The Basin.

For many years we have had a goal of a bottom to top to bottom loop. With Argentine North Fork, Up At Arapahoe, Beavers Loop and Wheels Up now all complete and connected, our goal is finished and complete. This has been a big effort between our team and IMBA to make it happen. Thanks to everyone that had a hand in this especially Trevor, our Trail Crew and our chief designer Joey Klein. This is a very fine and very substantial piece of work.