Al's Blog

Sneaky Powder Day and Parking Reservations

3" Wednesday and 11" Tuesday made yesterday a sneaky and especially good powder day. That gives us 3 feet of snow in 6 days. The Face was buffed. One person told me the 4th Steep Gully had the best conditions he'd ever skied there. Looking forward, Thursday afternoon and Friday we could be in for some more powder skiing. As of now, Saturday, Sunday and Monday are forecast to mostly sunny. They all sound like good ski days to me.


The A-Basin skiers and riders that have figured out parking reservations are loving life. Weekend skiing has been better than ever with plenty of easy parking and non-crowded fun times on the hill. Remember, reservations are only Saturdays and Sundays through May 4 plus April 1. It is easy. Go to, create an account and book your spot. The spirit of parking reservations is to make skiing simple and hassel free. It is working.